Selected Publications

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
V. Metsis, Kosmopoulos, D., Athitsos, V., and Makedon, F., Non-invasive analysis of sleep patterns via multimodal sensor input, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 19-26, 2014.PDF icon puc12.pdf (1003.92 KB)
S. Chatzis, Kosmopoulos, D., and Papadourakis, G., A Nonstationary Hidden Markov ModelWith Approximately Infinitely-Long Time-Dependencies, International Symposium on Visual Computing, vol. II. pp. 51-62, 2014.PDF icon isvc.pdf (1.63 MB)
S. P. Chatzis and Kosmopoulos, D. I., A Non-Stationary Infinite Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks. 2014.PDF icon pomdp.pdf (110.83 KB)
D. Kosmopoulos, Papoutsakis, K., and Argyros, A., Online segmentation and classification of modeled actions performed in the context of unmodeled ones, British Machine Vision Conference. 2014.PDF icon bmvc_final.pdf (646.31 KB)
D. G. Tsolakidis, Kosmopoulos, D. I., and Papadourakis, G., Plant Leaf Recognition Using Zernike Moments and Histogram of Oriented Gradients, in Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications, vol. 8445, A. Likas, Blekas, K., and Kalles, D. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 406-417.PDF icon setn14.pdf (413.33 KB)
A. Voulodimos, Kosmopoulos, D. I., Doulamis, N. D., and Varvarigou, T. A., A top-down event-driven approach for concurrent activity recognition, Multimedia Tools Appl., vol. 69, pp. 293-311, 2014.PDF icon 2014-TopDown-MTA.pdf (1.33 MB)
